Friday, September 29, 2006

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the jeep

oh where oh where has my little jeep gone , its was stoled this morning
before 4:30am cause thats when i walk my dogs oh what a surprise
to go out and see a emtpy space where the little jeep was ,I DON"T LIKE THIEVES
INTHE DARK OF NIGHT ,also i now if it's found have to bale it out and fixit which
will cost me money its ot the money just the stupid way it works out they steal and i or
any that had things stoled has to pay nuts is'nt it????

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

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Patty and I had lunch with our two girls Shari and Chris
and my grandson Gabey also my first wife Dotty we
all had a great time good food and fellowship I love the time we
all spend together at picnic and all so lunches Gabey looked
at books and he found a train picture in one I took
pixs of him but I couldn't get them from phone(darn)
I hoping to have one or two more picnics before the
snow (burrr) flies or it just to kkkkkcolllllld.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

my bike pat and have went to W.Va. with it and Iand one of my club members went to escort themoving Vietnam Wall from Cambrigde to New Pilly Ohio

Sunday, September 24, 2006

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Patty and my Church

This is our new church home
Galilian Baptist

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This my wife Patty and Gabey
in the park

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my grandson GABEY

This is my grandson buddy GABEY
he calls me poppy and I love
to visit with him, we play cars
and he does silly thing that
we both laugh at he'll bump
my feet and say oopps
He 's three(almost) and he
can say his Sunday School
Bible verse and also some very hard
car name's like Lambergenia

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

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GOD'S plan

Pattys baptistism August 16th 2006 GOD is good

Patty's baptistism August 16th 2006
GOD is good

Patty"s get"s baptistism August 16th 2006

One of my bikes in metro park

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

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ALWAYS A CHILD love the site shari hope i can do same
still trying to post pixs
love dad

Monday, September 18, 2006

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In the wind with CHRIST

HI My name is IKE and I'm a biker ,wife's name is Patty and I've being riding for about 30 years, am retired and am a christian have three children,four stepchildren and twenty grandchildren and one on the way