Thursday, October 19, 2006

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Revival10-8-15 2006

Gaby Here's some picture's Shari took at our revival
Patty and Ike


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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Let me tell you the Blessing's of GOD I got .My Jeep was stoled on 9-29 and Joey the neihbor boy found it(10-16 )on a street one block away ,here is the blessing part ,it was parked in a no parking bus zone, bus driver didn't call it in , the house it was parked in front of called it in for a week no police came is'nt GOD good I could of had it towed and ticketed but GOD made them blind to it like it wasn't there PRAISE THE LORD

Saturday, October 14, 2006

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trike cica:1980s

this my trike that I gave to my son ,and now he's working on it to make it his own style trike

my son-in-law and my grandkids

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Pattys Dolls

My wife Patty knit the dress for the doll that she gave as gifts ,pretty awsome huh??

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Crazy Huh?????

Friday, October 13, 2006

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Shari sing

shari sang in my church last night ,I know it was a hard song case at practise she hard to spot and compose her , she feels very strongely about the lost souls thats why she had to stop ,but GOD blessed her and she made it

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

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my girls

what a blessing my girls are last night they sang at my churches revival I was so proud and blessed that their using their GOD given talent for the GLORY of GOD I want to share this with my boy and my first wife but they couldn"t make it but my son-in-law and his wife and my grandchildren made it hope they got a blessing from it
PRAISE GOD for HE is GOOD HE"LL give you what you need in needs time

Monday, October 09, 2006

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martians are coming

hit a house .i built this from cardboard and
balsa wood

these are our fish one is a gar and the other two are tin foilred tail barbs
the gar is 18in. and the barbs are about 7in

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pix with new camera

this is my daughter and her son gaby
taken on oct.6th.2006
love them both

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this is steel!!!

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never forget rally

this from 9-11 rally in eastlake on 9-10 -06 (sunday )it was a very good ride and to see some of the pieces from there was sobering

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Biking With Ike

Biking With Ike